Roger Meyer | Page 29 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Ages to Come

Consider, for a moment, the geologic timeline of the Earth, which estimates our planet to be 4.5 billion years old. The age of the universe is three times longer, estimated at 13.8 billion years. Since man’s average lifespan is generally shorter than a mere century, we cannot adequately comprehend billions of years.

The Real "Walking Dead"

The “walking dead” or zombie genre of movies and television programs must be very popular. I see advertisements for them every time I turn on the television. Are there really “walking dead?”

A long time ago, I saw my first (and last!) zombie movie. With all due respect to the actors, actresses, and producers, I was—and still am—thoroughly unimpressed. Any little girl can scream and any little boy can “act like a zombie.” Besides, the very idea of an animated rotting corpse wanting to eat the living is repugnant.


Jesus warned the disciples to beware of hypocrisy. People do not like hypocrisy in others. But could we ourselves be hypocrites?

Jesus told His disciples: “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known” (Luke 12:1–2). Hypocrisy comes to light sooner or later, and when it does, it is widely spread (v. 3).

Fixing What is Broken

My father had a knack for fixing things. He was very mechanically inclined. On numerous occasions, I observed him fixing a broken, often poorly manufactured item and making it better than it was before. Sometimes he fixed what supposed “experts” could not. Broken things need fixing.

Why Society is Deeply Divided

News articles discuss the deep divides in societies the world over. Whether the division occurs in politics, education, religion, or culture, every side has strong proponents and equally strong opponents. Why are people so deeply divided? And is there a solution?

Divisions are as old as mankind. Disagreements about who the leader should be, who has water and grazing rights, on whose property is the well, where the property boundary line is, and which god should be worshipped, all go back to antiquity.
