Roger Meyer | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

A Living Stone, I Presume?

The phrase “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” became famous after an American correspondent by the name of Henry Morton Stanley hunted for and finally found in 1871 the “lost” African explorer and missionary, Dr. David Livingstone. This famous phrase is still occasionally recounted when someone meets again a “long lost” friend after many years.

To-Do and “Ta-Done”

Hand checking to do list boxes

Are you accomplishing the tasks Christ has set for you?

Plagues of Locusts?

In recent years, farmers have been forced to watch helplessly as unprecedented swarms of locusts have marched across their lands, relentlessly devouring everything in their path. And these plagues may well be only foretastes of others to come. What does Bible prophecy tell us?

Plagues of locusts have come and gone for centuries. Most people have heard of the ten plagues in ancient Egypt preceding the Exodus of the Israelites. This plague brought swift devastation upon the agriculture of Egypt.

To-Do and “Ta-Done”

Who hasn’t seen a to-do list of some kind—on the wall, on their desk or refrigerator, or in a silly cartoon with characters hustling to get things done? Many have had their daily life or work dictated by a growing list of little checked boxes, in their heads if not on paper or a spreadsheet. And quite often, the “ta-done’s” never seem to catch up to the “to-do’s” as quickly or efficiently as we might like.

The Real Haute Couture

Having fashionable clothing is nice—but is God concerned about it? What does God expect His people to wear? The Bible has more to say about how we should be clothed than one might think.
