Roger Meyer | Page 4 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

A Two-Tiered Justice System?

Many have heard allegations in the news that a two-tiered justice system exists in our nation. Should some get preferential treatment over others? What does God say about justice?

What Is an Exhortation

What is exhortation? Is it something we need? Is it something we should give to others?

English translations of the Bible use the words exhortation and exhort. One dictionary definition of “exhortation” is “an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something.” This word refers to the act of exhorting, inciting, or giving advice—urging someone to some course of conduct or action, or trying to persuade someone to do something.

Rod and Staff: Tools of the Shepherd

Shepherds of old carried a rod and a staff, two important tools of their trade. For the shepherd, a rod was a stick or club that could be used offensively or defensively against a threat to himself or his flock. It was also used for discipline and counting, especially to determine the tithe of the increase of a flock (Leviticus 27:32). The shepherd’s staff was a longer and thinner stick with a hook on one end, used for guiding the flock and for capturing or saving sheep.

A Spirit of Slumber

What is the “spirit of slumber”? Do you have it? Is it good or bad? If it is bad, how do you get rid of it?

The phrase “spirit of slumber” is found in Romans 11:8 (King James Version). The Apostle Paul wrote of his sorrow and grief because the great majority of his people, the Israelites, had stumbled at the stumbling stone—Jesus Christ, whom they did not accept (Romans 9–11). Paul explained that this was because they had not yet submitted to the righteousness of God and God had given them “the spirit of slumber” or “a spirit of stupor.”

The Narrow Path

Narrow mountain trail at sunset

Can you handle the truth?
