Roger Meyer | Page 32 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Things Old and New

We all like new things. Things get old and wear out. Sometimes we simply get tired of the old. But, we also highly value some old things because they are comfortable and treasured.

We enjoy getting a new pair of shoes, but we still love our old, comfy slippers. We enjoy meeting new people and making new friends, but what is dearer than an old friend with whom we share so much history? Companies hype “new and improved” products with new ingredients, formulas and features. But sometimes we still like the old and wish they wouldn’t change it.

“Good ‘uns’” and “Bad ‘uns’”

“Un” is a prefix in English meaning “not.” Adding it to a word changes that word to the opposite meaning. For example, “fair” becomes “unfair.” Some “un” words describe negative behavior or character, but some describe desirable traits.

When are the Dead Resurrected?

Have you ever wondered why, if the righteous go to heaven when they die, that the Bible speaks of a resurrection of the dead?

Many preachers never talk about the resurrection of the dead. It makes no sense if the righteous immediately go to heaven when they die! But Jesus reveals this amazing truth in the Gospel book of John! There will be a resurrection of the dead, and it will not take place until “the last day”! It hasn’t happened yet!

Insecure Walls

Walls are good things, keeping us safe and comfortable and being a place to hang pictures. Walls define space and provide privacy and protection. But you can’t always trust a wall.

Is Man Capable of Self-government?

Many are excited when a new leader takes the reins of government. But, a study of mankind’s history leads to the inevitable conclusion: mankind is incapable of governing itself.
