Roger Meyer | Page 39 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

We're Homeless!

Thankfully, my wife and I are only temporarily “homeless” due to selling our house and living in temporary quarters until we relocate in a couple of weeks. However, there are many genuinely homeless people, even in America. And our nation’s houses are being turned over to foreigners. Why?

Are You Minding Your Steps?

To “mind your step” is an old English idiom that means to be careful when walking, and also to be careful about what we say, what we do and how we act, so as to avoid getting into trouble. Are you minding your steps?

Rejecting Perverse Ways

Standards of behavior are rapidly declining. News headlines continue to shock and dismay anyone with a traditional sense of decency and morality. Perverse behaviors are now being lauded as normal that for generations were correctly understood as depraved.

True Liberty

Liberty is defined as the power to act as one pleases. It is a state of independence, of autonomy, of being free from restrictions, and of having the right to self-determination. Liberty may be defined in different ways when speaking of it politically, philosophically, or religiously. Some may define liberty as the right to do whatever they want, whenever they want, with whomever they want! But most of us realize that true and lasting liberty comes with moral and ethical restrictions.

Beware of Impostors!

An impostor is a person who deceives others by pretending to be someone else. There have been a number of notable impostors in recent history. Some impostors may be harmless, but others can be very dangerous. We would be wise to beware of such "wolves" posing as "sheep."
