Roger Meyer | Page 41 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Is Saint Patrick’s Day a Holy Day?

Though it is widely celebrated as a Christian holiday, Saint Patrick’s Day was not a church festival until the seventeenth century. The history surrounding Saint Patrick is sketchy and largely based on legends and conflicting traditions. Like other mainstream Christian “holidays” that have been passed down through Catholic tradition, it is associated with many symbols of pagan religion. Shocking?

When Wild Beasts Attack!

Dog attacks. Bear attacks. Shark attacks. We have seen news stories about animals attacking someone, causing severe injury or even death. Now a different kind of “animal” is on the attack: the “lone wolf” committing a terror attack, as recently occurred in Canada and the United States. Why is this happening?

Choose Wisely

When we make choices, there are always results and consequences. These can be good, neutral, or bad. Choosing to buy a red or a blue pen may have insignificant consequences. The difference between choosing to wear a long-sleeved shirt or a t-shirt could be large or small, depending on what it’s like outdoors—the choice of what kind of new car to purchase may not be nearly so small a decision. But sometimes the choices we make can be life-altering and even life-threatening.

What Profit Is It?

We all seek to profit from our various endeavors. We want a return on our investment of time, effort, work, energy and money. Seeking profit is not wrong. But what is truly profitable?

A Pig in a Poke…

Have you ever made a bad purchase? Perhaps you bought a defective appliance or an automobile that turned out to be a “lemon.” The product or service did not turn out to be what you thought you were buying. In such cases, we may say that we “bought a pig in a poke.”
