Roger Meyer | Page 45 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Prove It!

Nearly all of us can recall a time in our childhood when other children pulled a prank on us or carried out a joke at our expense. Perhaps they sent us on a “snipe hunt” or on a “fool’s errand.” Most of us know what it is like to fall for incorrect information that leads us on a proverbial “wild goose chase.”

Tell Me a story

Children love stories. We all love stories. Good stories engage our minds and hearts as they subtly teach us morals of courage, honesty or many other qualities. Stories powerfully demonstrate the results of good or bad choices and of right or wrong ways of life. Stories are powerful teaching tools.

"I Have Bad News and Good News"

“I have bad news and good news. Which do you want to hear first?” This is a premise of some jokes and also of some serious diagnoses. No one wants to hear bad news, while we all love good news. Prophets of God and Jesus Christ Himself delivered both bad news and good news.

"Did you hear the one about...?"

People enjoy humor and laughter. God gave mankind the capacity for humor and the ability to laugh. But are there right and wrong kinds of humor? Would we laugh at this or that joke in Jesus’ presence? Would He find it funny?

Have You Been Infected?

When various diseases are going around, we sometimes worry about contracting colds, flus, or other different kinds of viruses and bacterial infections. But have you been “infected” with a false way of thinking? False ideas have consequences as severe, or even more so, than any disease.
