Roger Meyer | Page 47 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

I love being a grandpa

Being a grandparent is one of the best “jobs” in the world. Children and grandchildren are truly a blessing, a gift, a heritage and a reward. They are our posterity. And they are an “inheritance” from God. Have you talked to your grandparents recently?

The Election

The election cycle in the U.S. has been in full swing for months and it is quickly drawing to a close. All of the candidates for public office are trying to make their election sure. What about your election? Are you making it sure?

What Is Wrong with the World's Economies?

Recessions, unemployment, mortgage defaults, bankruptcies, debt and poverty: these negative, economically-related terms appear in today’s headlines across the globe. Why? What’s wrong with the world’s economies?

The Rainbow: More Than Meets the Eye

Nearly everyone has seen a rainbow. The beautiful, majestic, multicolored arc in the sky inspires awe and is a wonder to behold. But there is more to the rainbow than meets the eye. Beyond the elusive and transient image of this miracle of nature is a divinely inspired miracle that represents one of the first promises of God recorded in the Bible.


Scan the news headlines or talk to your friends and neighbors, and there is little doubt that the world is filled with troubles. How can we be positive in such a negative environment? Can we find reasons to be optimistic when modern life is filled with so many troubles?
