Roger Meyer | Page 38 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Idols of the Heart?

What do you worship, and how? Many people profess belief in God, or in many gods, and worship them in countless ways. But consider for a moment: Do you worship the true God of all creation or an idol? That question might be harder to answer than you think.

“Idols?” you may ask. “I have no idols! I would never worship a physical object as a god!” you may declare. But are there any “false gods” lurking in your mind of which you may not even be aware?

A Good Mystery

Many people enjoy a good mystery. Mystery books by authors like Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock and a host of others appeal to the desire for suspense and intrigue—and memorable characters such as the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes capture our attention with their adventures. But what about another book, that far predates these others? Do you regard the Bible as a “book of mysteries?”

Are You Talking to Yourself?

Every day, all day, our “inner voice” chatters away at us in an internal monologue we have with ourselves. This “discussion” can be positive or negative, and greatly impacts our life.

Do You Practice Being a Christian?

Many people claim they are “Christian.” But not many actually practice the religion they claim as their own. Is it important to practice following Christ’s teachings?

You Can See Invisible Things

Lots of things are invisible to our eyes. For example, we cannot see gravity, radio waves, or sound. In the world of make-believe, magic cloaks or rings can make one invisible. In science fiction, cloaking devices make spaceships invisible. Scientists work with stealth technology to try to make things seem invisible, or as close as possible. But, what about the truly invisible things?
