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Signs of the Times

A storm is gathering on the horizon. Are you prepared?

The Demise of the West

For the last few centuries, nations in Europe and North America dominated the world and exported their “Christian” culture around the globe. Yet, in recent years—and accelerating in this 21st century—these once-powerful countries have begun to crumble from within!

The Longest Undefended Border

Standing on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, just west of Cornwall, Ontario, one is awestruck by the vistas of lush pastures and farms. Remarkably, one can traverse nearly 1,000 miles eastward and 3,000 miles westward from there and find similar peaceful scenes, on an international border with no sign of soldiers—the longest undefended border on the planet.

It was not always this way. At various points along the border, old fortresses and monuments to battles are seen—mute witness to a less peaceful era, when thousands died in order to defend their homes from invaders.

Sixty Years a Monarch

Throughout 2012, the United Kingdom is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. This much-loved monarch has now been 60 years on the throne, during which time the world around her has changed immeasurably. This celebration thus provides an apt and appropriate occasion to cast a backward look at “Queen and Country”—and to assess the state of the monarchy and nation.

The Two Faces of Technology

Researchers in recent years have observed that young people are spending large amounts of their time using electronic media—to a degree unprecedented in prior generations. Some estimates put young people’s daily use of electronic media in the 7–8 hour range (“Young people spend 7 hours, 38 minutes a day on TV, video games, computer,” Los Angeles Times, January 28, 2010). One survey found that 38 percent of students could not wait ten minutes without switching on some sort of electronic device.
