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What Is Really Behind "Climate Change"?

Right after Hurricane Sandy hit New York and New Jersey, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke out, saying that “climate change” was going to become the “new normal.” Other politicians echoed his comments, making the assumption that increasing numbers of great storms will be just another ongoing consequence of mankind’s poor stewardship of planet Earth.

Do You Believe "the Lie"?

The Bible warns, “In the last days, perilous times will come.” Today, we see perils of every sort increasing all around the world. But we also see a lie. To believe the lie is to deny the clear warnings of Scripture and the reality of world events. To accept the lie is to put ourselves and our loved ones in danger.

Science vs. Doomsday 2012

If you listen to the right people—or, perhaps more accurately, the wrong people—you may have heard that in December of this year mankind will either experience the end of the world or the dawn of a new age.

Blessings at Risk

When Americans think of Canada, visions of expanses of wilderness or holiday locations may come to mind. Few, however, on either side of the border, realize the size and power of the economic relation between the United States and its northern neighbour.

When Leaders Go Astray!

What is happening to the United States and Great Britain? These two nations, along with their Anglo-Saxon cousins, have dominated the world for the last 200–400 years. Yet, today, these nations are degenerating morally, divided politically, confused religiously and in deep trouble financially. In the eyes of the world, these affluent, once-dominant countries are seen as nations in decline. Few seem to understand what has led to this dramatic decline. However, ancient Bible prophecies that are coming alive today pinpoint an important cause!
