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Jesus Christ Is Coming To RULE!

The prophesied return of Jesus Christ is not some abstract theory or myth. Your Bible shows that when Christ returns to the earth, He will have a job to do.

The End of the Age!

Do you understand the sobering significance of events that are making news headlines today? Regrettably, modern secular media outlets have no idea of the real meaning of events they report, because our society has been conditioned to ignore the only source that accurately reveals the future—the Bible!

Will Britain Leave the European Union?

Is Great Britain about to leave the European Union (EU)? Most pundits would say that it is unlikely. However, in the wake of recent events, it could happen—with or without Britain’s initiation.


Some have said, "Greed is good!" Others protest "Wall Street greed." What does God's own character teach us about good business?

Twilight of the Gods

The Twilight of the Gods—heralded as Götterdämmerung in the opera by composer Richard Wagner—is a medieval story from pagan Norse mythology. It describes a series of natural disasters and a great battle that results in the death of several gods and brings the end of the world—after which the earth is reborn anew.
