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Nine-Eleven Plus Ten

Ten years after hijacked airliners were crashed into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, how has our world changed? What are the current dangers that may lead to the collapse of Western society?

What Is Just Ahead for YOU?

Although most of our world is lost in confusion, your Bible reveals clear end-time events that will lead up to the return of Jesus Christ. Here are twelve key points that will shape your life in the months and years ahead!

Forgetfulness, Disobedience and Sudden Demise!

Few today understand why Great Britain became the world's first superpower and gained an empire that spanned the globe, or why America rose to dominate the world stage. Fewer still grasp what the future holds for these Anglo-Saxon cousins! However, Bible prophecies hold surprising information about the true origins of British and American dominance and the sobering fate of two peoples who have forgotten their unique origins and the obligations that came with blessings and power. Many of these remarkable prophecies have been fulfilled, and many more are coming alive today!

From "Brits" to BRICS

Many countries have given their people identifying names. New Zealanders call themselves "Kiwis" while the Australians like to be called "Aussies." And the British? Well they have a stoic name for themselves. They call themselves, "Brits." It carries a certain solid, reliable ring to it.

The True Gospel Proclaimed!

Most professing Christian churches today believe they are following the instructions of Jesus to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15). Many sincere efforts have been made to preach a nice-sounding message that God loves everyone, Jesus died to save sinners and that by accepting Jesus as your Savior you will go to heaven. However, what most professing Christians do not realize is that they have accepted a different gospel than Jesus and the Apostles proclaimed!
