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Have You Seen the Future?

The year 2012 has been a remarkable year for Great Britain. Many events have taken place that have turned the year into a veritable cavalcade of special moments. The Shakespeare World Festival at Stratford-upon-Avon, for example, was followed by Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, with a spectacular display of craft on the River Thames, and hundreds of celebrations around Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

Freedom under Attack!

Canadians are known for being polite. Sometimes politeness here goes to the extreme. Go for a walk in my neighborhood and come to a corner the same time a car does, and there will be a friendly standoff—with each gesturing for the other to go first.

When Nations Despise God!

We are witnessing a growing and increasingly belligerent anti-God movement in nations that previously claimed to be “Christian”—and that once acknowledged God as the source of their blessings. Many “progressive” thinkers view this secular movement as enlightened, modern and liberating—as an idea whose time has finally come. Only a few, who study their Bibles, realize that Scripture long ago foretold the emergence of this movement. Bible prophecies that are coming alive today reveal the serious consequences that will strike those peoples who despise God and ignore the lessons of history.

Beware of False Prophets!

It is coming. It is coming soon. Your Bible clearly indicates that a wave of false prophets will rise up at the end of this age!

Is Democracy the Answer?

Is humanity moving toward democracy or toward dictatorship—toward freedom or toward tyranny? Those who today prosper under democratic government can be thankful, but is democracy the real answer? Or, is there a better way?
