News | Page 406 | Tomorrow's World


Success Where Others Failed?

For many years, Canada was made up mostly of people whose ancestors came from England or France, along with indigenous peoples. But this demographic has changed dramatically over the last half century. As with the United States, Canada is a nation of immigrants. Prior to 1961, more than 90 percent came from Europe. That number is now down to 16 percent. Today, Canada is a mosaic of peoples from all inhabited continents of the world.

Ominous Trends in Israelite Nations

What does the future hold for the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the other English-speaking British-descended nations—the so-called “Anglo-Saxon” nations of the world? And what does the future hold for the Middle Eastern nation of Israel? In recent years, news reports have featured dramatic events that have occurred in these regions—events that are not isolated occurrences, but in fact reflect developing trends that do not bode well. While the modern secular media does not recognize a connection between modern trends and ancient Bible prophecies, the truth is that Scripture long ago foretold not only what is happening to these modern descendants of ancient Israel, but also what will happen in the future. More importantly, the Bible explains why.

Britain's Religious Demise

The facts reveal what most Britons have known for some time—the Christian religion in Great Britain is in decline—and in particular the role of the Church of England as the voice of Christianity in the country.

America Cut Off from God?

Few today would call the United States a "Christian" nation. Confused ideas about God are increasingly prominent, and millions even reject God entirely. Why? And what will happen as a result?

Famines and Food Shortages Ahead!

News reports from around the world proclaim that record heat waves, major droughts, floods and on-going violence have seriously reduced harvests in normally productive regions of the United States, Australia, South Africa and Russia. As a result, millions are facing dangerous food shortages, and countless thousands dependent on these crops have died of starvation and malnutrition-related conditions. Yet, in our increasingly secular world, few realize that Bible prophecies have long foretold that these very conditions would dominate the news just before the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. These ancient prophecies are coming alive today—right before our eyes!
