Jonathan McNair | Tomorrow's World

Jonathan McNair

A Sign of God's Creation

a delicate, detailed snowflake resting on a layer of snow, with a blurred background of cool blue and gray tones

You can see God’s hand reflected in every season—including the wintry months.

The Leaders We Deserve

A chess piece—specifically, a king

Why are modern democracies not selecting just and God-fearing leaders? Examining the biblical implications of our choices reveals a sobering truth.

Experience Is Not the Best Teacher

Happy father, mother and daughter

Learning from our mistakes is painful—and not necessarily the way God wanted humanity to grow. Is there a way to build an ideal world that God had planned from the very beginning?

The Challenge of Correcting a Child

Happy father, mother and daughter

Love and correction go hand in hand in the struggle to raise good children in an evil and permissive age.

Be Mindful of Your Mind

The mind in a light bulb

The human mind is a gift from God—and truly is a terrible thing to waste! How can you shape yours to better reflect your Creator’s?
