Jonathan McNair | Tomorrow's World

Jonathan McNair

Different Tools for Different Times

A father, his wife, and their daughter

As we raise children from infancy to adulthood, we should make sure we are doing so according to godly principles.

A Sign of God's Creation

a delicate, detailed snowflake resting on a layer of snow, with a blurred background of cool blue and gray tones

You can see God’s hand reflected in every season—including the wintry months.

The Leaders We Deserve

A chess piece—specifically, a king

Why are modern democracies not selecting just and God-fearing leaders? Examining the biblical implications of our choices reveals a sobering truth.

Experience Is Not the Best Teacher

Happy father, mother and daughter

Learning from our mistakes is painful—and not necessarily the way God wanted humanity to grow. Is there a way to build an ideal world that God had planned from the very beginning?

The Challenge of Correcting a Child

Happy father, mother and daughter

Love and correction go hand in hand in the struggle to raise good children in an evil and permissive age.
