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The Collapse of World Order

In the 31 years between 1914 and 1945 the world experienced two of the most devastating wars in human history. By the time the guns fell silent in August 1945, more than 77 million lives had been claimed. In addition, tens of millions had been wounded and maimed, many debilitated for life. Millions more were homeless, starving refugees. Great cities such as Warsaw, Kiev, Tokyo and Berlin, and scores of others had been reduced to rubble. In Germany alone 70% of all housing had been destroyed. The apocalyptic team of war, famine, pestilence and disease seemed to have left the world reeling.

Severe Drought Hits Australia

In the South Australian summer, extreme heat is normal. But  The Guardian reports that the heat this summer has been far more severe than usual—recently reaching a record-breaking 49.5° Celsius (120° F) just north of Adelaide (AFP, January 24, 2019).

“The Year of Populism”

Right-wing candidates have been growing in favor and popularity throughout Europe due to the European immigration and budget crises. According to one source, “Right-wing populist parties in Europe have been gaining strength for years.

Britain's Setting Sun

The Bible reveals not only the cause of Britain’s rise, but also its decline and eventual fall. This remarkable story should serve as a startling example to all nations as to what happens when a nation turns its back on God.

Hong Kong in Prophecy

How did a small island nation come to be known as Great Britain and possess an empire in which the sun never set? The origin of the British people answers this question as well as unveiling Biblical prophecies of significant importance to Hong Kong and the rest of the world.
