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The End of Roe v. Wade?

The End of Roe v. Wade?

Will abortion be banned in the U.S.?

With a new year begins a new slate of cases to come before the Supreme Court of the United States. After an astonishingly contentious confirmation hearing, Brett Kavanaugh joined that court last October, and his appointment brought with him a possibility that some would have considered impossible even a few years ago: Could the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the Roe v. Wade decision?

Has Science Discovered the Creator?

Has Science Discovered the Creator?

Increasingly, scientists seem to uncover evidence that our universe is not an accident of nature but, rather, was designed. Why isn’t this conclusion embraced?

Temple Activists Dedicate an Altar

During a small ceremony on December 10, the last day of the Jewish Hanukkah festival, temple activists dedicated a portable altar just outside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The dedication ceremony involved priests in traditional dress and a slaughtered lamb as an offering, although the sheep was slaughtered off-site.

Missiles Fuel Rising Tensions

As the United States moves forward with plans to exit from the INF arms control treaty with Russia and also discusses placing more missiles in Europe, Russian leaders are voicing growing concerns. Recently, the Russian ambassador to the EU warned that “the US risks triggering ‘dramatic events’ if it stations missiles in Europe” (Financial Times, November 21, 2018).

Will Jerusalem Survive?

The Middle East has been in turmoil for decades, and many who follow world news wonder what will happen next. The nation of Israel, and its chief city Jerusalem, are at the core of many Middle Eastern struggles. End-time Bible prophecies focus on dramatic events to take place in the Middle East and Jerusalem. Will the climax of the ages catch you off guard? Will Jerusalem survive?
