News | Page 204 | Tomorrow's World


Men vs. Women in Canadian University Athletics!

The governing authority regulating sports in most Canadian universities recently approved a new policy allowing male athletes who “identify” as female to compete against biological females. No surgery or hormone replacement is necessary to participate.

Germany-Israel Alliance Is Strong

During a recent visit to Israel, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Following their talks, both shared positive comments with the press (Times of Israel, October 4, 2018). Chancellor Merkel discussed Israel’s “Jewish nation-state” law, and clearly stated German support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mrs.

Singing Caterpillars

Singing Caterpillars

Several issues ago we took a look at the remarkable transformation of caterpillar to butterfly (“The Butterfly: Master of Metamorphosis,” January-February 2018). But this humble creature has far more surprises in store for those willing to look more closely.

The Ultimate Sacrifice!

The Ultimate Sacrifice!

At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of each year, the world pauses in memory of the Armistice. At this precise moment, we acknowledge the sacrifice of all those who died in the First World War defending the principles of freedom and liberty. This year is the one-hundredth time we have remembered the end of this most dreadful “war to end all wars.”

Europe's Final Revival

Europe's Final Revival

For all of Europe’s current difficulties, Bible prophecy makes plain that the continent has a final, earth-shaking revival to come.
