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Stone of Destiny

Since 1296, the kings and queens of England have been crowned while sitting on a throne with a stone tucked away under the seat. This “Stone of Destiny” holds an important place in the traditions of Britain. What is the origin of this ancient rock, and what key does it reveal for understanding your future?

Europe and the Pre-Trump Relationship

A recent BBC article laments the changing relationship between the United States, Britain, and the rest of Europe (January 14, 2019). The author reflects nostalgically on the former close ties between the U.S. and Europe—a relationship that grew closer under American presidents following the Cold War.

Will the World “Fall Apart” in 2019?

The London Telegraph recently published an article with the sobering title “Geostrategic dystopia: is this the year the world falls apart?” (January 7, 2019). The article states, “This is the year that serial hammer blows to the Western alliance system and the edifice of global governance threaten to bring the old order tumbling down…. Pax Americana is unravelling. The transatlantic concord underpinning the West since the 1950s is dying.

Britain Votes “No” on May’s Brexit Plan

Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union on March 29 of this year. Yet, this week, British MPs voted “No” on a British exit plan that has been more than two years in the making (BBC, January 15, 2019). While European leaders have referred to Prime Minister May’s exit plan as the best solution possible, the votes against the plan were more than two to one—the greatest defeat in history for any British government.

Future Shocks

What if you could tell the future? Who doesn't want to know what's ahead and where our world is headed? Believe it or not, there is a source that does reveal the future in detail and in easy to understand language, the Bible. Many will hear the phrase Bible prophecy and immediately tune out. The burden of proof is on us to show clear evidence of specific prophecies that are either already being fulfilled, or are unfolding before our very eyes. This program contains five clearly stated predictions!
