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Nuclear-Armed India and Pakistan Clash

Last week Pakistan claimed to have shot down two of India’s military jets and captured one pilot, increasing the friction between these two nuclear powers. In turn, India demanded the return of its pilot, confirming the loss of its MiG-21 fighter jet. The confrontation is over the disputed territory of Kashmir. Since their independence from Britain in 1947, the two nations have fought three wars, two of which were over this single piece of land. Tensions have risen over the past few years.

What Is the Draw of Sharia Law?

What Is the Draw of Sharia Law?

Though it is often described as strict and harsh, many Muslims all over the world are choosing Sharia law. Why? Their motivations may surprise you.

Religion and Depression

A 2012 study showed that those who believe that religion or spirituality are “highly important” are less likely to be depressed than those who do not hold this belief—even among those with a family history of depression (American Journal of Psychiatry, January 2012). New brain research shows that religion and spirituality cause changes in neurological structures in the region of the brain associated with depression.

Will Russia Aim Missiles at the U.S. Again?

The Cold War ended in 1989 when the Berlin Wall was torn down, and with Russia’s “opening” to the West. That thaw in relations led to the dismantling of the Soviet Union and even some of its former “satellite nations” joining NATO. Thirty years later, we are witnessing a re-freezing of relations between Russia and the West.

500,000 Cattle Die in Queensland

Following nearly a decade of drought, Queensland received much needed rain last month—rain that has brought with it more disaster (CNN, February 13, 2019)! The devastating rains on the parched land brought tremendous flooding that subsequently drowned and starved almost a half-million head of cattle. Photos from the air show dead cows huddled together to avoid rising waters and the driving rain and cold.
