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The Big Reveal

A “big reveal” is popular today for expectant parents to reveal the gender of their baby to excited family and friends. Mystery stories and movies also employ a “big reveal” at a crucial time in the story to maintain interest. The Bible also contains very interesting and captivating “big reveals.”

Expectant parents are excited to find out their baby’s gender—boy or a girl. Some parents are very creative in the method they choose to disclose their baby’s gender, but it often involves using the traditional blue for a boy or pink for a girl (and those are the only two genders).

1,000 Top Scientists Disagree with Darwin’s Evolutionary Model

A growing number of scientists—now numbering over 1,000—are joining together to voice their lack of support for Darwinian theory.

Arabs and Europeans Forge New Link

A few weeks ago, the European Union and the Arab League met in Egypt for a crucial summit—the first of several summits planned to continue into the future on a regular schedule (German Foreign Policy, February 26, 2019).

Rushing to Judgment

Many people today are quick to condemn others when they hear or see an accusation, even if proof is lacking. Social media lights up like an electrical storm, filled with hateful and vitriolic comments and horrific threats, including bodily harm and death, toward the accused.

Even some professional journalists prejudge before getting all the facts. Verifying information appears to be less important than being the first to publish and take advantage of sensationalism.

Insects Are Disappearing!

God created insects as powerful and integral elements of the earth’s ecosystems. Insects pollinate plants, act as food for other creatures, help dead matter decompose, and help keep certain animal populations in check. A new study suggests that within the next few decades we could see the extinction of over 40 percent of insect species around the globe (Deutsche Welle, February 11, 2019).
