| Tomorrow's World

Are These the Last Days?

Many people recognize that the days we are now living in are more than just "unusual." These days mark the soon-coming end of a world that has brought suffering and misery to many. But there is good news on the horizon! Jesus Christ is preparing right now to return to planet Earth, as King of kings and Lord of lords, to bring peace and joy to our world! On this program, we will discuss how you can be ready for the day of His return.

Who Is the Beast?

The Book of Revelation in your Bible is a mystery to most people and yet it reveals the future of the world. The Apocalypse of Revelation features many symbols. One of those symbols is a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. What do these heads and horns represent? According to Bible prophecy, this future beast will rule over many nations. Just who is this beast?

What's Wrong With the Ten Commandments?

Do you really want to know why human suffering is allowed? Why the American and British descended nations are in trouble? Why our wars, our economies and our lives will be increasingly in trouble from now on? Will you genuinely listen to the very clear answer from your Creator Himself? Why are increasing hundreds of young men being killed or maimed for life in our foreign wars? Why are events turning against us in Iraq? Why are the storms and earthquakes becoming more severe all over this earth? Here are genuine answers to these vital questions.

Was Darwin Wrong?

In the century and a half since it was first published, Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species has proved to be one of the most influential books of our time. Not only has it influenced the study of science; it has had far-reaching implications for society as a whole. When a National Geographic cover article asked the question, "Was Darwin Wrong?" their answer was a resounding "No!" But what about it? Is it possible to accept the Bible as God's word, yet to believe that evolution was the means of creation? This telecast will give you the clear answer!

Prove the Bible

Is the Bible an inspired message from a loving, divine Father to all His children on planet Earth? Or is it something else? The Bible is more than just the most popular book in the whole world; it is God's revelation to you--and you can prove it for yourself, if you know how!
