Millions of people around the world believe that deceased friends, relatives and enemies are right now burning in the flames of hell. Others who consider themselves the "intellectually enlightened" condemn such beliefs as superstition. What is the truth? Is there anyone right now suffering the torments of hellfire? What does your Bible say?
Billions of people around the world have Bibles. The Bible is the world's best selling book. But, the Bible is under attack. Secular forces and even some religious groups work to prevent public display and use of the Bible as well as the Ten Commandments. Even some religious leaders say "the Bible is not divinely inspired by God". Will the Bible survive these attacks?
The unseen world will soon manifest itself. Mysterious powers unknown to most people will soon be fighting for total world domination. Your life will be far more affected than most of you realize. You need to understand.
Many people doubt God's existence. Even those who accept His existence may sometimes doubt that He is relevant in our modern world. Faith in God is not what it was in days gone by. But you can prove for yourself that God does exist -- and that He has a plan for your life and your future!
Your Bible tells of a literal spirit war that will erupt in the next few years! Do you believe in a real Satan, the devil? Do you realize that millions of wicked spirits plague the earth? The truth is that God created angelic spirits -- some of whom turned against Him. Those evil beings now seek to bring suffering and turmoil to our world and its people -- especially to true Christians! How can you overcome Satan and his demons? Your Bible has the answer!