Jesus Christ of Nazareth had brothers and sisters! John Ogwyn presents important information on "James the Greater," brother of Jesus and the role he played in the early church.
Why were you born? Is there a transcendent purpose in life? Much of the professing Christian world thinks that our purpose is floating off to heaven with very little to do. But is there a supreme reason for our existence that goes far beyond that? Here is shocking information that you probably never even dreamed about.
Can you really know what the future holds? There are many people who are full of anxiety and uncertainty about the years ahead. Are you one of them? There is a book in your Bible - the Book of Revelation - that claims to lay out the future in advance. Is it really possible for you to understand this mysterious book?
Does God exist? Can you prove to yourself that a real God actually exists? - a divine personality with a supreme mind and total power who also intervenes in human affairs. Many people don't believe in any kind of a God. Some are simply non-Christian. But, are there specific proofs that point to the definite existence of the God revealed in the Christian Bible? - a real God. Are these proofs factual or just sentimental thoughts about a "little Lord Jesus" or that kind of thing? You need to know and you can know.
Can you really know whether or not this is the end-time? Haven't there been those in virtually every generation who have claimed that their generation was the end-time? Is our generation that much different from countless generations before? Is this the end-time?