Thousands of people die, every day, around the world. Perhaps one of your friends or relatives has died recently. What happens after death? Do all the good people go to heaven when they die, while the bad people go straight to hell? Are your loved ones gone forever, or will you see them again? What happens to those who lived and died without accepting Jesus Christ as Savior? Your Bible reveals vital truth that can comfort and encourage you!
Nations all over the world have suffered from the 2009 financial crisis. Investors have lost trillions of dollars, euros, pounds and yen. The economic recession has caused food shortages, home mortgage failures, foreclosures and business bankruptcies. Families all over the world are wondering where their next paycheck is coming from. How can we meet these challenges? You can have more confidence and faith if you pray to God Almighty. God has given us promises you can count on. But, you need to claim those promises through prayer.
There is one question which almost no one asks, but the answer to that question is the one everyone needs to know. Why were you born? Have you ever asked yourself that question? You should! Why do you exist? What is your purpose? If you were to ask a thousand other people you might come across a thousand other answers. But what is "the" answer? What does God Almighty say about WHY He made you--what the very purpose of your life is? Knowing the answer can change your life forever.
What good is the Bible? In recent years, prominent atheists have stepped up their attacks on God and the Bible. Perhaps millions have been intimidated by their arguments. Have you? The truth is that the Bible reveals answers to life's mysteries, and can solve perplexing problems in your life and in the life of your nation! You can prove the existence of God, and the inspiration of the Bible—if you know how!
"What happens to the billions of people who die without ever hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ—or even hearing His name?" Many thoughtful people have used this question as an excuse to reject Christianity. Is God fair? Is He just? You may be amazed to learn that "mainstream" Christianity has long overlooked the plain truth of this matter, as found in the pages of your own Bible!