| Tomorrow's World

Tempers Flare in South China Sea

Reuters reports, “China again asked the Philippines to tow away a grounded warship—a World War Two-era vessel now used as a military outpost—from a disputed shoal on Tuesday, after Manila rejected Beijing’s earlier demand” (August 8, 2023). The shoal lies within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone—the area of the sea around the Philippines in which the nation possesses special rights to economic exploration and development.

German Battle Tanks to Support European Armies

In the past, Germany has been reluctant to share military technology with other nations. However, the war in Ukraine is changing things (Politico, August 1, 2023). In January, Germany finally agreed to send 18 of its Leopard 2A6 high-tech battle tanks to Ukraine.

Will War Ever End?

Mankind had spent the last decades attempting to build institutions that could end war. Yet, war is again upon us. Will wars ever end?

What Is an Exhortation

What is exhortation? Is it something we need? Is it something we should give to others?

English translations of the Bible use the words exhortation and exhort. One dictionary definition of “exhortation” is “an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something.” This word refers to the act of exhorting, inciting, or giving advice—urging someone to some course of conduct or action, or trying to persuade someone to do something.

China’s New Smart-Religion App

A human rights organization working in China has reported that one Chinese province is now requiring churchgoers to register with a smartphone app developed by the provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission (EWTN, March 7, 2023).
