Letters to the Editor | Tomorrow’s World — July/August

Letters to the Editor

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I thank God for your help by sending your booklets that I use in the jail program trying to lead the inmates to Christ. We will read a few pages and then have a discussion over what we have read. It’s amazing to see how helpful the class is to these guys. This program has proven to be successful. The attendance has grown from 2–3 men per week to no less than 15 a week and at times the guards will sit in on the 90-minute class. I am not sure where I am going with this letter other than to say thank you for giving me new meaning for my life, as well as a reason to get out of bed daily.

Subscriber in Maryland

I was deceived for many years with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Your magazine played a big part in helping me understand the truth and make many changes in my life. I look forward to receiving your free magazine, which I usually read on the Sabbath. I pray God blesses you all and keeps you safe in this evil and ever-changing world. Thanks again!

Subscriber in Michigan

I listened to Mr. Herbert w. Armstrong when I was ten years old on radio. Thanks to listening to Tomorrow’s World on TV, I have come in contact again. Thank you for the work you are doing. I wish all people could and would get the message today, but I know not all will now, but will later. I believe this!

Subscriber in Missouri

Just saying things “demand” something isn’t proof. Saying “Creation demands a Creator” is flawed when we see nature handle itself every day. A tree grows naturally. Rain falls naturally. So for you just to say, Well, since it’s raining, it demands a rainmaker, isn’t proof. Try again. I’m really looking for an answer, but this has done little to answer my questions.

Email from an Online Viewer

Editor’s Note: Where did the matter of this universe—rain or otherwise—come from? And the laws that govern it? The fairy tale that an orderly, coordinated creation in which a seed can grow into a tree—with all the virtual nanotechnology such an undertaking requires—exists apart from a Creator behind that creation is one of the great deceptions of the modern age and hard to shake. To explore the topic in more depth, we recommend our free booklet The Real God: Proofs and Promises, available online at TomorrowsWorld.org or at any of our Regional Offices, listed on page 4 of this issue.

I’ve been enjoying watching your program on Sunday mornings. Thank you for all your teachings on God and the Bible. You make God’s words easier to understand and explain everything in a plain and simple way. Your program has been a blessing from God. Thank you for offering your free magazine and booklets.

Subscriber in Wisconsin

Thank you for the free copy of The Middle East in Prophecy. I saw this offer on television one night. I am impressed with the offer, as I saw no obligation for donations. That’s why I’m sending you my gift. I read to my son from your booklet, which is backed up by Scripture so I can fact-check what you say. I am very impressed with the size and detail that went into your free booklet. Thank you.

Subscriber in North Carolina


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