| Tomorrow's World

Consequences of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Euractiv reported on a recent study published in the highly respected journal The Lancet which “estimated that the global pooled prevalence for genital HPV [human papillomavirus] infection among men is 31%… on the basis of data from 65 studies conducted between Jan 1 1995, and June 1 2022” (August 17, 2023). That means nearly one in three men worldwide is infected with this incurable sexually transmitted virus!

BRICS and Prophecy

At the end of August, South Africa hosted a meeting of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). Also present were several other nations, six of which will officially become part of the BRICS group in January 2024: Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. This new group is particularly interesting because Iran and Saudi Arabia have been enemies for quite some time, but China has brokered a peace between them—at least for now.

Sacrifice and Joy

Campers in sunlight

To give is truly better than to receive—and time is a cherished gift indeed, as this youth camp counselor experienced.

Will We Run Out of Water?

A review of the potential for conflict over this precious resource and a look to the Bible to answer this essential question: Will we run out of water?

The Power of Laughter

For many years, laughter has been known to boost one’s health and mental outlook. Periodically, new research emerges providing even more support for this understanding. A recent study shows that laughter “causes the tissue inside the heart to expand—and increases oxygen flow around the body” (The Guardian, August 27, 2023).
