Rise of the Weimar Triangle | Tomorrow's World

Rise of the Weimar Triangle

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In 1991, France, Germany, and Poland created a regional alliance they dubbed the “Weimar Triangle” (Deutsche Welle, June 27, 2024), but it has not been particularly active. Now, with the guns of war again blazing on Europe’s edges, this regional alliance has been given new life. “In March, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz and Donald Tusk met in Berlin to renew the Weimar format and primarily discussed working together in supporting Ukraine.” In a late-June meeting in Paris, Defense Ministers from the three countries of the triangle announced concrete plans to improve NATO’s strength should the United States be unable or unwilling to assist in a future confrontation. The three leaders announced plans to procure long-range cruise missiles that can strike weapons-manufacturing sites deep within Russia should a war break out. They also announced plans for joint military exercises between their nations to occur in Poland next year. The military exercises will prepare for a potential attack from Russia on NATO’s eastern flank.

Many commentators have speculated that a “core” of European nations may eventually break ranks with the larger, politically cumbersome European Union in order to make real progress with defense and other areas. Could the Weimar Triangle group make such a move and be joined by others?

Bible prophecy foretells that a European “beast” power will emerge to lead Europe just before the return of Jesus Christ. This beast power will eventually be composed of ten kings who are willing to work together for a time to accomplish a common goal (Revelation 17:12). To learn more about this coming European juggernaut, be sure to read or listen to The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-Coming Reality?