You Cannot Hide from Microplastics! | Tomorrow's World

You Cannot Hide from Microplastics!

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According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, nanoplastics are now found in human arterial plaque (Science News, April 2, 2024). According to this study, those with nanoplastic particles were nearly four times as likely to experience stroke, heart attack or death over a three-year period! A University of Louisville cardiovascular researcher who reviewed the study noted that “very, very, very few things have that much of a risk.” While evidence is still lacking that conclusively proves these plastics cause terrible diseases, the circumstantial evidence is rapidly mounting.

These tiny plastic particles have been found in the depths of the oceans and on the tallest mountains. They have been found within the human body in placentas, testicular tissue, and brain tissue. With the known toxins in plastic, it should not be surprising that they can cause problems for the human body. The extensive use of plastics in our throw-away society is well known. We drink water from plastic jugs, eat food from plastic containers, use plastic cutting boards, cups, and plates. We wear clothes woven of plastic fibers. And we bury plastic waste in the ground. All of which contributes tiny particles of plastic to the contamination of water supplies.

Humanity, with all its advancements, continues to create products that pollute every aspect of God’s creation, and there appears to be no end in sight for these man-made health threats. However, the Bible reveals there is a better, safer, healthier time coming when Jesus Christ returns to deliver the whole creation from the “bondage of corruption” that is causing so much suffering today (Romans 8:18–22). To learn more about what the world will be like, read or listen to The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?