News and Prophecy Staff | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy Staff

Is Super AI Coming?

Is there anyone who has not heard of AI at this point? AI, or artificial intelligence, is growing to dominate tech. It seems like every company is jumping on the AI bandwagon—even your smartphone has AI built in, even when you don’t realize it. AI is used for writing reports and news articles, and some students are even using AI to write their term papers. Futurists speculate that AI will lead to a myriad of advances in many fields, and investors have already made billions of dollars on AI companies. Where will it end?


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Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Tattoos and Cancer?

Tattoos seem to be everywhere today. Have you ever felt left out because you do not have one? According to the World Health Organization, the highest prevalence of tattoos is among Europeans and Americans, with 30 to 40 percent of the populations having at least one tattoo (WHO, retrieved May 31, 2024). In 2018 a Berlin-based market research company surveyed people in 18 countries.

The World Could Change Drastically, and Soon!

In a recent article, “6 Lame Ducks and Giorgia Meloni: Meet the G7 Class of 2024,” Politico highlighted how leaders of six of the seven nations could soon be replaced. These leaders include Emmanuel Macron of France, Olaf Scholz of Germany, Joe Biden of the United States, Justin Trudeau of Canada, Fumio Kishida of Japan, and Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom.

Europe’s Shift to the Right

As predicted, the European parliamentary elections witnessed many liberals losing their positions and being replaced by more conservative leaders (Politico, June 10, 2024).
