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News and Prophecy Staff

Europe’s Shift to the Right

As predicted, the European parliamentary elections witnessed many liberals losing their positions and being replaced by more conservative leaders (Politico, June 10, 2024).

German Involvement in the Holy Land

Bible prophecy indicates that a German-led European “beast” power will have a military presence in the Holy Land at the end of the age. In fact, the Bible prophesies that non-Israelite (Gentile) nations will “trample” Jerusalem shortly before Christ’s return (Luke 21:24). How might a German-led European force become directly involved with Israel and Jerusalem in the future? The Bible seldom provides all the details of exactly how its prophecies will come to pass.

Regular Churchgoers Are Happier!

We live in a world where religious observance and church attendance are rapidly diminishing, especially in Europe and the United Kingdom. Yet research continues to support the idea that religion is important to health and happiness.

Germany Prepares for War by 2029

Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius again forcefully highlighted Germany’s need to strengthen its defense capabilities (Deutsche Welle, June 5, 2024). During a question period in Germany’s lower house of parliament, Pistorius stated, “We must be ready for war by 2029”—five years from now!

Is Democracy Dying in Europe?

Democracy has been hailed as the savior of civilization by many. History indicates that democracies have been wealthier and, generally, more politically stable than many other forms of government. Across Europe, democracy is seen as a fundamental value of European culture in the modern era. But the winds of change are blowing, and many do not view democracy with the respect it once held—especially European youth.
