| Tomorrow's World

A House Divided Cannot Stand

“A house divided cannot stand,” I said to the gentleman across from me in the Firestone waiting area. We had talked for over an hour as we watched the news on TV. It didn’t seem that long as we shared several things in common: an interest in history, gratitude for having grown up and lived in the United States, mutual displeasure with current events, and even a common Latino background. Notably, however, we differed in age, him being at least 30 years my senior. Until I said those words, the conversation was light, casual, and easygoing.

Covid-19 and Reshaping the World Order

The respected journal Foreign Affairs recently published an article on the emerging role of “middle powers” (“Can Middle Powers Lead the World Out of the Pandemic?,” June 18, 2020).

Sabers Rattle in Korea

About a year ago, there appeared to be a thaw in the perpetually tense relationship between North and South Korea, stirring hope for increased unity between the two countries. However, last week North Korea “blew up an inter-Korean liaison office in its city of Kaesong”—an office built in 2018 that was used for inter-Korean meetings (Deutsche Welle, June 16, 2020).

Are You Easily Offended?

We all get offended at one time or another. And, very likely, we have offended someone ourselves. What does God want us to know about offenses?

One of the meanings of the word “offense” is “being annoyed or feeling resentment towards someone who has insulted or disregarded us.” People say or do things that hurt and anger us, whether inadvertently or intentionally. Our feelings may range from annoyance to anger, from mild irritation to great indignation, or from resentment to rage. Likewise, our words and actions may arouse these feelings in others.

Jeremiah 6:16: Seeking “The Old Paths”

Twitter is a popular way to communicate in this age of social media. In a few words, a person or organization can put out opinions, random thoughts, political positions, personal philosophy, or simply go on a rant about some pet peeve or complaint. In a matter of moments, these ideas can be “blasted” around the world. This popular, wide-open forum of communication can be abused since intentionally inaccurate information or perversion is often promoted, sometimes by prestigious individuals or organizations.
