| Tomorrow's World

Should We Kiss Dating Hello?

Family photo

Many parents look for good, practical guidance that can help us steer our children through their formative years. In particular, how should we help our children lay the groundwork for godly relationships and a successful, happy marriage?

The Mayflower: Ship That Launched an Empire

Big Ben

God’s hand in history is evident—if you know where to look! At a time when “progressive” thinkers seem determined to erase history, it is more important than ever to understand the events that helped build Western civilization.

Misguided Education and the Decline of Western Civilization

boy in flannel shirt drawing on a chalk board

The Western nations are drowning in a rising tide of social pathologies—violent crime, increasing incivility, political corruption, unsustainable debt, widespread drug abuse, depression, and suicide. People are feeling a loss of purpose and of religious belief, as the society around them shows a growing animosity toward the historical accomplishments of Western civilization. Are we truly witnessing the demise of the West?

A Perfect Storm

Crashing wave over a man running into the sunset

How the perfect storm arrived in 2020 and why we’re not ready for the one biblical prophecy says is yet to come!

Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday?

Open bible on a table white background

Your Bible shows plainly that Jesus Christ and the early church observed the seventh-day Sabbath. So did His first followers. Yet today, the vast majority of those calling themselves “Christian” worship on Sundays and do nothing to keep the seventh-day Sabbath holy. How did this change occur? And what should you do about it?
