| Tomorrow's World

The Germans Are Coming

Ursula von der Leyen is the current EU Commission President, and on July 1, Angela Merkel took over the six-month rotating presidency of the European Council. Both women are German, and they will occupy Europe’s two most powerful posts. In the words of Spiegel International, “the European Union is set to be run by two German women with a long history.

UK Universities Lose Respect

A recent Guardian article title tells a sobering story: “UK universities suffer worst-ever rankings in world league table” (June 9, 2020). For centuries, English universities have garnered tremendous respect around the world. Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College London, and other universities in the United Kingdom have long been recognized as some of the best in the world, and have been tremendous sources of pride for the English.

A Lesson From My Dog

Dog with head turned sideways white background

Sometimes, we need to listen to our four-legged friends.

"If My People Would Humble Themselves..."

Sunrise over a field

In a world where humility is on the decline, we need it more than ever.

Letters to the Editor

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