| Tomorrow's World

Signs of the End of the Age

Jesus Christ responded to His disciples’ question about the impending destruction of Jerusalem and, further, when the end of the age would come by pointing to many conditions. He described various worldwide calamities, including religious deceptions, wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes.

Sunlight and COVID-19

The new coronavirus has rapidly infected millions around the globe. Most efforts to control the spread of the virus have focused on handwashing, disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks, social distancing, and providing medical care. In the minds of many, the only hope for halting the virus is finding an effective medicine until a vaccine is developed. However, many simple, effective, and inexpensive protective steps one can take are seldom mentioned.

“When the Pandemic Is Over, the World Must Come Together”

“When the Pandemic Is Over, the World Must Come Together” is the title of a recent article in TIME magazine by former Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev. Mr. Gorbachev harkened back to the diplomatic success of the 1980s and the end of the Cold War.

Finding Peace and Overcoming Fear in Troubled Times

Many people suffer from fear of the unknown. Whether regarding a first day of school, the first day on a new job, a coming marriage, or flying on an airplane for the first time, we all feel fear and anxiety from time to time. Now in the year 2020 there is another fear of the unknown—SARS CoV-2—better known as COVID-19.

Five Inconvenient Facts About Marijuana

Canada became the second country in the world to legalize recreational marijuana on June 19, 2018, though it would be four months before becoming effectively legal.   And because it’s now legal, many people assume that means it must be safe and harmless. It’s a natural product and has proven medical benefits.  But are we hearing the whole story?  Are there facts about marijuana that you’re not being told? And if so, what are those facts?
