Gerald E. Weston | Page 40 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

Hiding The Purpose of Life

When Charles Darwin wrote his thesis: “On the Origin of the Species,” it opened the door for living without a purpose beyond the here and now. Because of Darwin’s theory, it should not surprise us that so many today live with no greater expectation and hope than to be happy for now and then cease to exist forever at death. Were we created with a purpose? What is your ultimate purpose and how can you achieve it?

If the Lord Is God

Life is short! It’s much shorter than we might have thought when we first became aware that someday our lives would come to an end. Young lovers sometimes romanticize about marrying, raising families, and growing old together, but the reality of this last phase is not so romantic, as age brings with it a number of problems and realizations. And one of those realizations is that life is indeed short, and the time for accomplishments is running out.

Why Kids Go Wrong, Part 2

It is vital that we understand the mistakes we sometimes make as parents that influence our children in ways we might not have anticipated.

The Ultimate Book of Knowledge

Amity Printing Company in China is one of the largest Bible publishers in the world, producing as many as 100 million copies. Why is the Bible such a popular book? What gives it such long-lasting and broad appeal? What does it have to offer you? Simply put, the Bible is the ultimate book of knowledge. No other book has greater potential to positively impact your life.

Like Sheep to the Slaughter

The world we once knew no longer exists. Many have the feeling that something is terribly wrong in the world and that they are helpless to change it. Where are these changes going? Have our nations become nations of sheep being led to the slaughter? If so, who is doing the leading? The Bible reveals that a great deception is underway. Will you be swept away, or will you recognize and reject the ways of this world?
