Gerald E. Weston | Page 39 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

The Hidden Messages of John 3:16

John 3:16 is the most often displayed verse in the Bible. Yet, for all the prominence of this verse, how many people really know what it means? Discover what most people miss in this most famous of Biblical scriptures.

The Message That Changed The World

Nearly 2000 years ago a man named Jesus, and his followers, brought a message, that we are told by their enemies, “turned the world upside down.” Yet today, Christianity is on the decline in most western nations and the world is turning Christianity upside down. Why?

Hiding The Purpose of Life

When Charles Darwin wrote his thesis: “On the Origin of the Species,” it opened the door for living without a purpose beyond the here and now. Because of Darwin’s theory, it should not surprise us that so many today live with no greater expectation and hope than to be happy for now and then cease to exist forever at death. Were we created with a purpose? What is your ultimate purpose and how can you achieve it?

The Verdict Is In

The last century saw dramatic changes in moral behaviour, especially in what are referred to as Western nations. But, the changes taking place since the turn of the century have been breathtaking. Who would have guessed that we would see such drastic changes in public opinion regarding sexual behaviour. Have these changes been for the better? Let’s examine the fruits of these changes and determine if they have been for the better. The verdict is in.

The Verdict Is In

The last century saw dramatic changes in moral behavior, especially in what are referred to as Western nations. But, the changes taking place since the turn of the century have been breathtaking. Who would have guessed that we would see such drastic changes in public opinion regarding sexual behavior. Have these changes been for the better? Let’s examine the fruits of these changes and determine if they have been for the better. The verdict is in.
