Gerald E. Weston | Page 35 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

The Easter Controversy

Every year professing Christians celebrate the holiday known as Easter, but few have any understanding of its true origins. How does a day supposedly picturing the resurrection of Jesus Christ come to be known by the name of a pagan goddess, Ishtar? Why do people use colored eggs laid by rabbits in celebrating Christ’s resurrection? You need to know the shocking origins of this day!

Is It Worth the Gamble?

Gambling is big business.  And many people make the greatest gamble there is – deciding whether to put forth the effort to prove for themselves whether or not there is a God, and if there is, then is there life after death?  Let’s consider what evolutionists, atheists and the Bible itself says about this most important question.

It Is Time to Wake Up!

This past year, I had the opportunity to team up with the Northeast Regional Pastor of the Living Church of God, Jonathan McNair, to give a live Tomorrow’s World presentation in Manhattan, New York. These presentations are opportunities for our subscribers, such as you, to personally meet our television presenters, writers and a Living Church of God minister who serves in your area.

Tame the Social Media Monster!

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like were supposed to bring all of us together. Instead, they are dividing our society and reshaping our minds.

What Is the Greatest Love?

How do we show love to God?  How do we show love to each other?  The Bible is a book of love.  The Bible explains that love is defined by the way we treat and react to others.  It’s not how we feel, but what we do.  It’s never self-centered.  Love is outgoing concern and it requires action.

