Gerald E. Weston | Page 37 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

Sunset for Britain and America

What is the historic and prophetic significance of the Stone of Destiny?  How does it relate to the once-great British empire?  What was it that caused Britain to fall so rapidly in the second half of the 20th century?  Why is America increasingly seen as dysfunctional by nations everywhere?

The Watchman's Warning

The biblical prophet Ezekiel was given what would appear on the surface to be one of the strangest commissions ever given: act as a watchman, taking a warning to a people he would never see for a time long after his death, about 2600 years in the future! How would that be possible?

The Miracle of Life

If there is one subject many politicians want to avoid, it’s abortion, because it is a contentious issue with deep emotions on both sides. For politicians, it’s a no one situation as no matter which side one comes down on, it will alienate a large segment of the voters. But the subject of abortion is really not about votes. It’s about life and death.

What If I Ruled The World?

What kind of a place would it be if you or I ruled the world? Would it be a world without war, a world without poverty, a world based on fair standards where everyone lives at peace with his neighbor and there is prosperity for all? Such a world is possible and is coming. Learn how!

Bigger Than The Game

Sandy Koufax was arguably the best left handed pitcher in major league baseball history. As many older fans know, he is also famous for something he did off the field. October 6, 1965 was the first day of the World Series and the Los Angeles Dodgers’ best pitcher was a no show. Why?
