Gerald E. Weston | Page 31 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

Future Shocks

What if you could tell the future? Who doesn't want to know what's ahead and where our world is headed? Believe it or not, there is a source that does reveal the future in detail and in easy to understand language, the Bible. Many will hear the phrase Bible prophecy and immediately tune out. The burden of proof is on us to show clear evidence of specific prophecies that are either already being fulfilled, or are unfolding before our very eyes. This program contains five clearly stated predictions!

Five End-Time Prophecies

What is happening in our world? Look around you and you see strife and conflict everywhere, especially in the Middle East. Where is all of this heading? Can we know? Discover five Bible prophecies described in the Bible for the last days which will change your world!

Unlocking the Mystery

The biblical book of Revelation is filled with mysterious symbols: multi-headed beasts, locusts who punish men, a star that falls from heaven, and a burning mountain thrown into the sea which destroys one third of the fish of the sea. Revelation is an unusual book, but it holds vital information for your future. Learn how to unlock the mystery of Revelation!

Our Best Hope

Our world is changing faster than you can read this magazine. What will be the end? The surprising answer is that we are advancing toward a world at peace! But let’s not get ahead of the near future. The time just ahead is not going to be pretty. A new dark age is coming prior to that peaceful age.

Why Is This Message Left Out?

Why Is This Message Left Out?

Many claim to preach the same message Jesus Christ preached. Why then are they ignoring the very heart of His message—when the world needs it more than ever?
