Gerald E. Weston | Page 30 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

The Biblical Holy Days, Part 1

Why do most professing Christians observe holidays that were never kept by Jesus and His Apostles, that are steeped in pagan traditions; and at the same time, forsake the observance of the Holy Days found in the Bible and that Jesus kept?  Does it matter which days we observe as long as we get time off work, go to parties, and enjoy wonderful meals with family and friends? The answer is simple.  It does matter! 

Does Marriage Matter?

Few aspects of life have undergone more change in both perception and behavior in recent decades than the institution of marriage. Behaviors that were once considered shameful are now considered normal. Isn't it time we ask: Is the direction we chose working? Has our new morality, or better yet, lack of morality, left us better or worse?  Is it not time to re-evaluate? Does marriage matter?

Britain's Setting Sun

The Bible reveals not only the cause of Britain’s rise, but also its decline and eventual fall. This remarkable story should serve as a startling example to all nations as to what happens when a nation turns its back on God.

Hong Kong in Prophecy

How did a small island nation come to be known as Great Britain and possess an empire in which the sun never set? The origin of the British people answers this question as well as unveiling Biblical prophecies of significant importance to Hong Kong and the rest of the world.

Stone of Destiny

Since 1296, the kings and queens of England have been crowned while sitting on a throne with a stone tucked away under the seat. This “Stone of Destiny” holds an important place in the traditions of Britain. What is the origin of this ancient rock, and what key does it reveal for understanding your future?
