Gerald E. Weston | Page 42 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

When Will Terrorism End?

Terror has struck many parts of our world. Ethnic and religious tensions are leading to more and more violence. While many terrorist acts are targeted against specific individuals, many more are directed at “soft targets” where people have lost their lives simply because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many fail to realize that the Bible predicted the rise of terrorism. It also gives the cause and the eventual solution to the problem—predicting a time when terrorism will be a thing of the past!

Like Sheep to the Slaughter

The world we once knew no longer exists. Many have the feeling that something is terribly wrong in the world and that they are helpless to change it. Where are these changes going? Have our nations become nations of sheep being led to the slaughter? If so, who is doing the leading? The Bible reveals that a great deception is underway. Will you be swept away, or will you recognize and reject the ways of this world?

Christ Versus Christianity

As shocking as it may be, the church Jesus founded is nothing like the many churches calling themselves by His name. This is fact and can be easily proven. A brief reading of the New Testament reveals many practices of Jesus, the Apostles and the early Church that are not found in most mainstream churches today—even those calling themselves Christian. Does it matter what Jesus and the Apostles did? If so, you need to look at their actions and ask why so few are doing the same.

The Ultimate Book of Knowledge

Amity Printing Company in China is one of the largest Bible publishers in the world, producing as many as 100 million copies. Why is the Bible such a popular book? What gives it such long-lasting and broad appeal? What does it have to offer you? Simply put, the Bible is the ultimate book of knowledge. No other book has greater potential to positively impact your life.

Eat, Drink: Tomorrow We Die!

The concept of live for today and forget about tomorrow permeates much of our post-modern culture, especially among our youth. It is the nihilistic refrain of meaninglessness and is the natural outcome of evolutionary theory, which for most people is a replacement for God. If there is meaning to life, then what is it? Is meaning merely a matter of opinion? Or is there are great purpose established by a Creator of all life that exists?
