Gerald E. Weston | Page 44 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

Why Baptism?

Do you need to be baptized?  You may have been baptized as an infant. Or, you may have gone through a baptism service where you were total immersed in water as a teenager or an adult. What does the Bible teach about baptism?

Darwin's Legacy

Published in 1859, On the Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin has been referred to as “one of the most important books ever written.” It has truly changed the world. It is difficult to quantify how much of our thinking has been influenced by the evolutionary explanation for life. Has this change been for the better?  150 years later, what is the real legacy of Darwin’s teachings?

The Antichrist is Coming

The Bible predicts at the very end of the age that a powerful charismatic leader will rise up and deceive most of the world. He will have power to bring fire down from heaven in some seemingly miraculous way. He will be viewed as a savior, and as a holy man, but he will be anything but holy and instead of salvation will bring destruction. Learn how to recognize this prophesied Antichrist!

Are You Your Brother's Keeper

Today we live in a world filled with violence, hatred, jealousy, and brutality. Why? Why can't man seem to find the way to peace and harmony? Why can't we find the way to end war, divorce, and conflict with neighbors? The perpetrator of the first murder in recorded history sarcastically questioned God, "Am I my brother's keeper?" Discover the Biblical answer, and how it affects you!

Future Shocks

See for yourself five clearly stated predictions that are either already being fulfilled, or are unfolding before your very eyes.  See what the Bible predicts for our day and beyond.  There is hope for you and your family, beyond the troubles and turmoil of today.
