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Does Human Life Matter?

“It’s my life and I can do with it what I want to” is a common mantra in Western society. Yet, in recent years that mantra has taken on a grave twist. With the legalization of euthanasia—what some have called “mercy killing”—people are increasingly allowed to commit legal suicide with the help of their doctor. And in some countries, the reasons legally allowed to justify this seem increasingly trivial.

Where Have All the Adults Gone?

The rapidly changing morals across Western societies is disorienting. It seems as though leaders have lost any appreciation of history and the lessons to be gained from life. How has this happened? Why have younger generations gained so much political power and influence so quickly? A recent editorial by Janet Daley in the UK’s Telegraph put it this way: “Where—to put it bluntly—have all the grown-ups gone?

Worshiping “Mother Earth”

According to The Guardian, a new Australian survey revealed that many young people on the island continent reject the idea that humans have the right to use nature for their own benefit (June 22, 2023). The survey identified how different generations view environmental issues.

A Spirit of Slumber

What is the “spirit of slumber”? Do you have it? Is it good or bad? If it is bad, how do you get rid of it?

The phrase “spirit of slumber” is found in Romans 11:8 (King James Version). The Apostle Paul wrote of his sorrow and grief because the great majority of his people, the Israelites, had stumbled at the stumbling stone—Jesus Christ, whom they did not accept (Romans 9–11). Paul explained that this was because they had not yet submitted to the righteousness of God and God had given them “the spirit of slumber” or “a spirit of stupor.”

Children Are Their Oppressors

“Baseball bat-wielding gangs of children are mugging mothers and nannies on the school run in the latest crime wave to hit San Francisco” (The Telegraph, July 4, 2023). The city experienced 11 robberies amongst moms and nannies in just one week. Police believe it is the same gang of young boys who are “targeting women picking up children from school.” One mom was thrown to the ground by a boy who took her cell phone.
