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Monsters Descend on Israel

On October 7, 2023, monsters descended on the nation of Israel.

As word spread, many Israelis rushed to their cellphones or television screens to see images of terrorists crossing Israel’s borders by land and sea—even by air in small, improvised aircraft. They descended upon a music festival packed with dancing youth. They encroached on neighborhoods. They entered homes. And their mission was clear: to kill, to maim, to rape, to torture, and to kidnap.

That is, to terrorize.

Mediterranean Devastation: Signs of Things to Come!

In recent weeks, devastating events have occurred around the Mediterranean. Libya saw massive flooding as intense rain of more than 16 inches (40 cm) over two days caused dams to break (AP, September 13, 2023). In the coastal city of Derna, over 11,000 people were reported dead and thousands more were still missing (Euronews, September 15, 2023).

Deadly Viral Outbreak in India

A province in India is experiencing another outbreak of the Nipah virus—the fourth in the region since 2018 (Telegraph, September 14, 2023). Deaths have occurred with each outbreak, and so far, two have died in this one. There have been 800 suspected contacts. These numbers might seem low, but the fatality rate for infection with the virus can be up to 75 percent!

Twice a Day Is Not Enough

As those who do their utmost to follow Christ, we can often fall into the trap of being so rightfully appalled by something fundamentally evil that we swerve into the ditch of something else that is, if we truly think about it, just as evil.

Sand Dredging Sterilizes the Ocean Floor

Roughly six billion metric tons of sand are dredged from the sea floor each year (BBC, September 5, 2023). As one analyst noted, this is equivalent to one million dump-truck loads each day! The majority of sand dredging occurs off the east coast of America, in the North Sea, and in the South China Sea. The majority of dredged sand is used to make concrete and glass. It is also used for constructing roads, dams, and even solar panels.
