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Letters to TW

Dear Tomorrow's World letter in red envelope

Tell us what you think!


News text with magnifying glass

Mark 13:37 | “And What I say to you, I say to all: Watch!”

Marks of Regret

Sad tattooed man

See why tattoos only mar the remarkable human body, which God made “very good”—in His own likeness, in fact, without the need for so-called “body art.”

"Hate Thy Neighbor"

Bullets from the mouth

Why does society increasingly reflect the opposite of the Bible’s famous command to love your neighbor? Is there hope for Christians in what has become an apparent culture of hate?

The Mark of the Beast: A Clever Counterfeit

Beast's eye

Have you heard of the biblical Mark of the Beast? Could it be something that you have already been affected by—or even “accepted” without knowing it for what it is?
