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Germany Stands by Israel

In the wake of Hamas’ bloody attack on Israel, nations have condemned the heinous action, and many have pledged support for Israel. Some of the most overt words of support have come from Germany. Motivated by memories of the Holocaust carried out against the Jews by the Nazi government of Germany in World War II, German leaders have expressed their intentions to support Israel in its times of need.

The Fall of Nineveh

We review several prophecies found in the book of Nahum which archaeology has confirmed regarding the fall of the ancient city of Nineveh.

The Beautiful, Meaningful Rainbow

The rainbow is beautiful, and meaningful beyond what most people realize. Not only is it a sign of God’s faithful mercy, but the Bible also associates the rainbow with His throne and a powerful revelation concerning the return of Jesus Christ to establish His reign on earth.

Sobering Impact of Future Events

Bible prophecies seem far-fetched and unreal to many today. For those who live in relative peace and safety, even if some conveniences are lacking now and then, it is hard to imagine what it will be like for humanity when end-time prophecies actually come to pass. However, for those with eyes to see, much can be learned from current events. In Revelation 6:12–16, following the opening of the sixth prophetic seal (the “heavenly signs”), the rich and great of the earth will be terrified and seeking places to hide.

War Erupts in Gaza!

As more intelligence reports emerge, it is clear that Hamas deliberately targeted children and babies in their recent assault on Israel (Telegraph, October 14, 2023).
