| Tomorrow's World

Principles of Bible Study

Year after year the Bible is the world's best selling book. Chances are you have one on your coffee table or stored away in a closet somewhere. But how many even read the Bible? If you don't read this Book, you could be missing out on the most exciting, mind expanding information and knowledge the world has ever known. Can you really understand the Bible?

Upside-down justice.

“A federal judge has backed a homosexual-rights group [from Uganda] in its claim that members were injured by an American pastor’s biblical preaching in Uganda against homosexual behavior” (WorldNetDaily, August 15, 2013). Should this type of lawsuit be recognized in the U.S., virtually anyone opposing legislation that supports homosexual rights could be jailed for crimes against humanity (ibid.).

Thanksgiving and Our National Purpose

On Thanksgiving weekend millions gather with their families and friends. They enjoy good food and fellowship and the blessings of living in a prosperous nation. They enjoy the blessings of freedom and opportunity. But do they thank God for their blessings? Are you thankful for your blessings? Do we in the english-speaking nations really understand why our nations have been blessed? Do we understand our nation's purpose?

Armageddon and Beyond

Our daily news headlines feature terrorist attacks and wars. At least 20 major wars or armed conflicts are raging on right now. In Iraq, Sunni and Shiite Muslims are killing each other, while coalition forces sustain thousands of casualties. North Korea and Iran are working to develop nuclear devices. The United States and Russia still maintain a stockpile of more than 30,000 nuclear warheads between them. Will these trends bring biblical Armageddon? What does Bible prophecy say?

Armageddon and Beyond

Our daily news headlines feature terrorist attacks and wars. At least 20 major wars, armed conflicts and battles rage on right now. Iraq Sunni and Shiite Muslems kill each other. And coalition forces sustain thousands of casualties. Will these trends lead to biblical Armageddon? What does Bible prophecy say? Is Armageddon coming? And what will happen after Armageddon?
